Just for Today......when a thought or action feels negative or upsetting to you....Say to yourself.." In My New Life" I choose to respond differently to this situation. You and only you can decide how you want to think or react to any situation in your life. No one else can do that for you and no one else take that responsibility.
Just for This Moment on This Day...know that challenging and painful events will happen in this life, it is part of our learning experience.. but you and only you decide how you will react and learn from those experiences.
If we have eternity.. what are we in a hurry for? Many of us have been taught that this physical life we are in now is the only one and the only chance to "get it right". If we get it "Wrong" then we are damned to an eternal place that is fiery and hot with eternal anguish and suffering. My personal experience as a psychic and medium and past life regressionist is that we live many lifetimes in the physical and many lifetimes on spirit side.
Whenever they leave their current physical lifetime, people and animals alike cross over to spirit side where there is no time. My ancestors and friends on spirit side are in various stages of growth just like they were in the physical, but they are given a much broader opportunity in spirit to see things more clearly and from a broader perspective. There are some that are still working through anger and resentment, but they are not in any kind of so-called "Hell" for eternity, but perhaps a similar self imposed Hell just as they were in the physical. Eternity is eternity and therefore there is never a finite stopping off place, it is a continuous experience.
All of us see some people doing things in this life that according to the laws of the universe are terrible. Life is eternal and they will learn their mistakes one day. It might take them many many lifetimes in the physical and in spirit to wake up and see it, but they have "all the time in the world", because life is infinite.
Does that mean that it is okay for people to do terrible things? No, we have been given an indescribable and amazing gift by The Creator who is love, love so great and so vast that we can only grasp a fragment of what that is. Terrible actions are against love and there is great pain and suffering created by these things. Love is receptive and it draws us to it, because we are from it and part of it. Every destructive action affects all of us, because we are ONE and we are all related. We all come from the same source. We are it. Every destructive action against The Creator, against Love, hurts us all and holds us all back to different degrees.
Being psychic all my life, I guess that I should have known when I started Massage School 19 years ago that I would be empathic as a healer. I have always been very sensitive to other people’s emotions, but the intensity with which I picked up on their pain when I started massaging them was unexpected and I did not know how to block it.
I might do something as innocent as touching their leg or shoulder and suddenly I would feel their physical or emotional pain to the point of becoming nauseous. Sometimes I was not sure how I could finish the massage, because I was so sick. Naturally, I would never mention to the person who was receiving the massage that I wasn’t feeling well. I tried discussing my experiences with my instructors and got no validation or advice. One instructor responded by telling me that I better learn the difference between my stuff and everyone else or I was never going to last as a Massage Therapist. After that I decided to just keep some things to myself.
During that period of time, I was fortunate to make a trip to Wisconsin where I met an amazing healer and medicine man. I explained to him that I was getting sick sometimes when I did healing work and he did not find that surprising at all. He sent a spirit helper to protect me which was an unexpected gift.
Since then I have met other healers and psychics who are empaths and have experienced the kinds of things I have. Protection is something that should be taught for those of us who are sensitive to other people’s energy, because it is a gift and there is no reason to be held back by it. I had to find a solution on my own and I was fortunate enough to receive some amazing help from an Ojibwe healer who was also empathic and knew how to help. I cannot pass on the method that he used, but I can share one that is available to everyone and works very well.
We are only limited by our thinking and our understanding and there are many ways to create protection. This is a really basic and effective way to protect yourself and still receive necessary information on the needs of your clients…after all we don’t want to block everything.
Practice visualizing white light coming up from the back of your ankles and over your head all the way down your front to your toes. I have done this for so long now that I do it very quickly and it is very effective for me. The more you do it, the stronger and more solid it gets. Do this before you step into the person’s energy field and before you lay your hands on them:
I silently say a prayer while I am “white lighting” myself. It goes something like,”White light back to front, nothing negative taken, nothing negative given.” Then I call on The Creator and my helpers to give that person the healing that they need, because I realize that there are things that I may not know about them and I humble myself and ask for help.
As psychics and/or healers it is important that we take care of ourselves and at the same time stay strong and healthy in order to help others.